Microdermabrasion Step by Step image
Step by Step Procedure

When you purchase your microdermabrasion kit or machine, a manual of instructions would be included in it. Make sure to follow it accordingly to achieve desired results and to prevent harming your skin in any way possible as each device may be slightly different.

Here is an example of a treatment session:

  1. Cleanse the skin using an oil-free, fragrance-free gentle cleanser. Avoid harsh cleansers that could cause the skin to dry out more than usual and to be sensitive to the microdermabrasion process.

  2. Pat the skin dry with a cotton towel. It is important to have your face completely dry to allow the microdermabrasion machine to work most effectively.

  3. Turn on the microdermabrasion machine and with your free hand, gently pull one skin area tight. Rotate the hand-held device onto your skin in an upward circular motion, making sure to do 1 or 2 passes only.

  4. Repeat the entire process to entire face, neck or another treatment area.

  5. After the procedure, apply the necessary skin care oils, lotions, or creams. Don’t forget to use a toner first to restore your skin’s pH levels.

  6. Moisturise completely to hydrate the skin and lessen the reddening of its sensitive areas.